fourth grade from mid90s
end of a small sanctuary - silent hill 3 soundtrack - music player cr ramdoms

wow! you found my site! if you don't know who I am:

my name is Max, and this is my personal website! social media is just too daunting sometimes, so i made this little site to catalog things like my life, my art, and my interests! The site is still a WIP so there's going to be a LOT of error pages.

have fun and explore!

like my site? add it to yours!


*this element is scrollable

• 10/15/23 - The Future! And other such various thoughts

• 10/02/2023 - what is this site?


having trouble figuring out where to go?

about - learn about the webmaster

blog - updates when i feel like it

gallery - my art! photos, paintings and such

links - resources, cool sites, credits for code/graphics etc

site updates

> 10/15/23 - changed the song for player.

> 10/02/23 - fixed up the blog! go read the new entry!

> 9/25/23 - added like. nearly everything.
